Employment Fees

Listed below are our various approaches to funding your case:

1. Telephone Appointments

You can book a 10-minute appointment (£30), a basic 30-minute appointment (£54) or a comprehensive 30-minute appointment  (including paperwork assessment) (£87.60).

2. No Win No Fee

We endeavour to fund the majority of cases under a ‘no win, no fee’ agreement. This means that you would only pay our fees at the end of the case if you have won damages under a settlement (from a payout). We would then deduct our fees from your winnings.

The share of your damages taken as our fee would be 35% (inclusive of VAT), unless a different figure is agreed in advance. This means that you would receive 65% of your damages.

Occasionally, we may ask for some monies on account of our fees in advance of commencing your claim. For instance, this can happen in circumstances where we have to instruct a barrister or pay Court/Tribunal fees on your behalf. We would let you know of these circumstances in advance. Alternatively, we may agree with you that any incidental costs or fees are deducted from your damages at the conclusion of your case.

We can only undertake your case on a no-win-no-fee basis if the case is very straightforward. This means that there is a very high chance of you succeeding in your claim. Otherwise, we would need to fund your case either by way of a fixed fee agreement or an hourly rate fee agreement.

3. Fixed Fee Agreement

If your case is unsuitable for a no-win-no-fee agreement but is still relatively straightforward, we may be able to undertake the work on your behalf under a fixed fee agreement. In these circumstances we would ask you to pay all, or a proportion, of your fee in advance of any work being undertaken. At the conclusion of the case we would ask you for the remainder of the fee if you had only paid a proportion in advance.

Generally, our fixed fees range from £600.00 – £6,000.00 plus VAT. We would recommend that you contact us to discuss your case so that we can provide you with a more accurate estimate based on the circumstances of your potential claim.

The normal price of a case assessment is £600 plus VAT.

If, during the conduct of your case, it becomes apparent that a fixed fee agreement is unsuitable we may discuss with you the option of your reverting to an hourly rate fee agreement.

4. Hourly Rate Fee Agreement

It may be that your potential claim is unsuitable to be undertaken by both no-win-no-fee or fixed fee agreements. As a result we will discuss our hourly rates with you. At present, these are as follows:

Solicitor: £210-£300 per hour plus VAT

Paralegal: £120-£150 per hour plus VAT

If we undertake work on this basis we may ask for some monies on account of our fees in advance of commencing your claim. This will be, for example, in the instance that we may have to instruct a barrister or pay Court fees on your behalf.

We would recommend that you contact us to discuss your case so that we can provide you with a more accurate estimate.

Factors that could increase the costs of your case:

  1. We have not received from you, or your opponent, all the paperwork we require in order to make good progress in your case or if information we have requested is missing or incorrect;
  2. Third parties are not responding to our requests for information thoroughly or promptly;
  3. If, during the conduct of your case, factors arise to make it more complex.

If any of these circumstances occur we will contact you to discuss how best to fund any additional costs arising.

Services We Provide

We will initially obtain from you information about your potential claim (you can upload documents with the initial email or send them to us by post). We will also decide at that point how best to finance your case. If we are agreed that we can take on your case and undertake work on your behalf.

What happens next:

  1. Instruct one of our employment lawyersThe lawyer will obtain more detailed information from you about your case, advise you on how we will proceed and provide you with an engagement letter with details confirming our terms and conditions. This letter will also set out how your case will be financed.
  2. FinancingWe will have agreed, by your signing the engagement letter, that your case will be funded by way of:
    1. No-Win-No-Fee Agreement;
    2. Fixed Fee Agreement; or
    3. Hourly Rate Fee Agreement.
  3. Legal WorkIt is likely that we will ask you to provide evidence relating to your claim. If this happens, please either post or scan and email the material to us. Do not send original documents.We will advise and assist you throughout your case. This includes preparing necessary information and evidence to support your case. We will also make any necessary applications and represent you at tribunal or court hearings as necessary (or arrange for a barrister to attend hearings, as agreed).